Christmas eve 2023

Christmas Eve 2023 had three worship services in one day and they were all such a wonderful blessing!  Thank you to all who attended and thank you to all who helped make those services possible!

Hope you had a Blessed Christmas!

  • Children's church sing carols

    Children from PCEPC Children's Church sing Christmas carols for our 4:30pm Family Service.

  • children's church christmas reading

    Children from our Children's Church read a story about Christmas.

  • advent wreath

    Our beautiful advent wreath with lit candles.

  • Pcepc choir

    Our choir singing Hymns and Christmas Carols.

  • CANDLELIGHT service

    Candles lit and hymn singing during our candlelight service.

  • nativity

    Our nativity display in the church Narthex.

  • pastor doug and katie brandt

    Doug and Katie Brandt lighting the advent candles and delivering announcements to the congregation during our Christmas Eve service.

  • david reihner

    Pastoral Visitation Assistant David Reihner serving as Liturgist for our 7:00pm Christmas Eve service.

  • PCepc congregation family

    Our church family joining in singing hymns and Christmas Carols during our 7:00pm worship service.

  • angel tree mission of the month

    Our Angel Tree, which was our December mission of the month, beautifully displayed in the church Narthex.

Annual christmas luncheon & cantata

December 10, 2023

Our Annual Christmas Luncheon and Christmas Cantata was a Fantastic success! 

Thank you to the Fellowship Team and the Music & Worship Team for making this event such a blessing! 

Please enjoy the pictures below:

  • Shay & the Adult Choir

    Director of Music & Worship, Shay Carter, playing the Steinway for the Christmas Cantata.  Behind her is our very talented adult choir.

  • Shay & the bell choir

    Director of Music & Worship, Shay Carter, and our newly formed Bell Choir performing at our Christmas Cantata on December 10, 2023.

  • Hinman hall

    Hinman Hall set up and ready to go for our Christmas Luncheon.  Thank you to the Fellowship Team for the beautiful set up.

  • christmas treat bags

    Adorable Christmas treat bags for the kids at our Christmas Luncheon.

  • patty reihner

    Fellowship Team member, Patty Reihner, helping to put the food out for our Christmas Luncheon.

  • delicious desserts

    Some delicious desserts beautifully displayed and ready for our church family.

  • here they come!

    Our church family lining up to enjoy the wonderful food prepared by our Fellowship Team.

  • delicious sherbert punch

    Delicious sherbert punch, made by our Fellowship Team. 

  • lots of great food

    Everyone happily filling their plates to enjoy a wonderful Christmas Luncheon together.

  • packed house

    Hinman Hall is filled with our happy church family fellowshipping with each other and enjoying a wonderful Christmas Luncheon together.