Welcome to Children's Ministry at Peters Creek Evangelical Presbyterian Church!

It is the mission of children's ministry at peters creek EPC to partner with parents in raising children who love and obey the lord, love others and share the gospel.

  1. Faith – It is our hope and prayer that every child in our program will develop a personal faith in Jesus Christ as their own Savior and Lord. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  2. Christian Community – We believe that children should feel welcome and have meaningful participation in their church family. (Romans 12:5)
  3. Discipleship – Through Sunday School, VBS, worship, and other involvement at PCEPC, we equip children with a thorough understanding of the Bible, God's authority over all things, the importance of practicing spiritual disciplines and other aspects of fullness of life in our walk with the Lord. (I Peter 3:15)
  4. Serving Others – Just as Christ came to serve, we strive to develop a servant heart in our children, teaching them to put God and others ahead of themselves. (Philippians 2:3-4)
  5. Evangelism – Through their involvement at PCEPC, we strive to equip children with the knowledge of the Gospel and a heart for sharing the Gospel in the places that God sovereignly places them. (Matthew 28:19-20)

We are committed to the safety of your children at PCEPC. Our childcare staff and volunteers have been trained and have submitted their PA CLEARANCES. We want you and your children to feel safe and loved when you are at Peters Creek Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

To register your child for activities for the 2024-2025 school year, please Click Here.


Vacation Bible School


Save the date!! June 16th-20th, 2025!

See Highlights of 2024 Camp Firelight

Click Here


Peters Creek Vacation Bible School welcomes children who are entering Kindergarten through 5th grade.  

Anyone entering 6th grade or older is asked to consider registering to be a volunteer.

To look back over the successful week of the

Quest for the King’s Armor in 2022, Click Here

For a joyful look back at our Island Adventure 2021, check out this slide show! Click here


Christian Education begins at 9:45am for children from September through May. 

Childcare is available beginning at 9:30am on Sunday mornings for infants and preschool age children. Preschool children will do a Bible story and activity each week.

Children in kindergarten through third grade are dismissed for Children's Church each week just before the message.


Peters Creek EPC families and those who participate in our children's program are invited to register their children to attend Friday Night Free on March 14. Children birth through 5th grade will enjoy a meal & programming from 5:30 to 8:30pm while parents enjoy an evening "off"!



Our preschool class and infant nursery is open from 9:30am to 12:15pm every Sunday morning. 

The preschool class care offers care for children ages 18 months through four years old. Children will also participate in age appropriate Bible Stories, singing and activities.


Our infant nursery will offer care during Sunday School and worship beginning September 8th for babies birth through 18 months.


Throughout the year, we offer our youngest members and their friends a variety of special events. There will be events simply for fun, friendship, and fellowship; and there will be undertakings which allow children to become involved in service projects and activities. 

There will be children participating in special worship services, and seasonal, inter-generational festivals.

No matter the occasion, we celebrate having been adopted into God's Family, through the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Wednesday Afternoons For Kids

Beginning at 4:00pm on Wednesday afternoons with a snack, kids are invited to come enjoy playing, singing, playing instruments, hearing a story, crafts and


Age appropriate activities for middle and high school students will be available.

We'll fit all of this fun into an hour and a half and kids can be picked up at 5:30. Our next session will begin in February for kids three years old through high school! 


Pcepc release form

For any events taking place off-campus, or for times when parents are not on campus with their children, please make sure you have a PCEPC-specific Release Form on file with us (one per child). Access it here!