Youth Ministry

Our mission for the Youth Ministry of our church is:

To ENGAGE our youth in a relationship with God; To EQUIP them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ; and to SHARE God’s love!  

Sunday School (grades 6-12) starts at 9:45am on Sunday mornings and will resume in the Fall. 

Join us any Sunday as we focus on worshiping and listening to God as He speaks to us through His Holy Word!

Find the Registration/Permission form for our Youth events here!

For questions, please contact Andy via email or at (412) 980-9463.

Youth serving at Living Stones

Who We are

As followers of Jesus Christ, we strive to pray daily, read God's Word and serve the Lord as much as possible.  From serving at our church to the community at large, we always go with God leading the way.  All youth gatherings, service & mission projects begin and end with our youth praying and a time in God's Word. Please come join us and be a part of the Next Generation who are committed to live boldly and faithfully for our Lord! 

VBS 2024 Counselors Afternoon Excursion to Fun Fore All and sorting donations at the City Mission Warehouse

      YoutH HaPPENINGS!!!

  • White Water Rafting Adventure-Friday, July 26th
  • Youth Group Room Reno--Multiple Days in July
  • Living Stones Service Project-Sunday, July 28th

Contact Andy for details: or


Late Spring/Summmer

Youth Ministry Happenings:

  • Youth Service-Memorial Day Theme-May 26th
  • Youth Remembering Our Veterans
  • VBS June 10th to the 14th
  • VBS Counselor Afternoon Fun & Service Project
  • Renovate/Create/Personalize Youth Room--July

Jackson, Teddi & Ric remembering our Veterans

Santa's Open House

This past December our wonderful Youth came alongside a church in Wilkinsburg to assist with a program called Santa's Open House.  Our Youth partnered with their Youth group and ran fun games as well as interacted with many children from the community.  

cARD making

The Youth gathered in February to make over fifty cards and sent them to City Mission staff as encouragement for all they do.  The cards were colorful and displayed inspirational Scripture passages.  City Mission was very appreciative!  

Youth Group Room

On July 10th the Youth have begun to create a Youth Group Room on the Church Campus.  Phase One of the renovations has been completed and next the area will be painted, furnished with couches, AV Equipment, refrigerator, etc.  It will be a cozy spot for us to grow in our walk with God for sure.  Phase Two (painting) will take place soon.