welcome to Pcepc

Peters Creek Evangelical Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).

Worship services are 11:00am every Sunday morning at: 

250 Brookwood Road

Venetia, PA 15367

Please see below to find out what's happening at PCEPC! You can also Subscribe to our Calendar!

We look forward to meeting you in person!

Mission Statement

Saved by grace alone, through Christ alone, 
we love God, love others, and share the Gospel!

sunday worship

Message Title:  ‘How to Think and What To Think With

Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 2:10-15

With Reverend Doug Brandt

January 26, 2025
At 11:00 am

If you're unable to attend the service in person, we provide livestreams of our worship services. Accessible through the 'Livestreams' link aboveand YouTube.

Winter Story Time

Winter Story Time at Lindenwood Golf Club on Saturday February 8th from 10:00 am – 1:30 pm. 

Stories, crafts, free play, bounce houses and snacks for children birth through kindergarten accompanied by a parent or caregiver! A great event to invite a friend!

Register HERE

Pastor Appreciation Worship Service & CONGREGATIONAL Luncheon


Please sign up for this luncheon via the church needs list that has been sent out to the congregation.

Please mark your calendars for Sunday February 9th as this will indeed be a special Worship Service.

The Elders will lead us in worship as we honor and glorify God and show our appreciation for Pastor Doug and Katie as they conclude their ministry at PCEPC.

Immediately after the worship service we will gather in Hinman Hall to enjoy a meal with our beloved brother and sister as we congratulate them on this next chapter in their lives. 

Thursday Night

Women’s Bible Study

Meets Every Thursday starting January 30th

Time: 6:30 pm

The Women’s Thursday Night Bible Study will be starting a study on The Gospel of John.

Slow down and savor the peace of Jesus in a chaotic world. In the study through the Gospel of John, Melissa Spoelstra encourages you to linger with the Living Word. John's Gospel will challenge participants to take the posture of peace - which is a stillness of the soul no matter what one's circumstances are. Grow in intimacy with Christ and learn to embrace His peace in the midst of a hectic life.

Contact Barb Mullen If you would like to participate in this study. 

Contact: Barb Mullen

mullenbj388@gmail.com, 412-298-5558

Thursday Morning

Women’s Bible Study

Next meeting: Thursday, January 30, 2025

Time: 10:00 am

Location: Hinman Hall

Join us for a study of 1, 2, and 3 John using the "ABIDE" video and workbook by Jen Wilkin. To learn more or join, contact Susan Prosser at esprosser@verizon.net or Mary Wolling at mary.wolling@gmail.com.

Blood Drive Coming Soon

The Safety Ministry Team has started the process to host a blood drive in the coming months. Before a date can be set, we need to show Vitalant (the blood drive organization) we will have at least 20 people available to donate.

We are hopeful to schedule the blood drive at the church campus on a Saturday in February or March, but unfortunately, we can't set a specific date until we can verify with Vitalant we have committed people signed up. We are hopeful you can sign up and be flexible with scheduling until we get a date from Vitalant. 

Many of our Safety Team Members have already signed up, and I hope you can join us in starting this new tradition at our church. If you have any questions, please contact Carol Cisney at cisneys@verizon.net.


Our mission for the Youth Ministry of our church is:

To ENGAGE our youth in a relationship with God; To EQUIP them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ; and to SHARE God’s love!

Sunday School (grades 6-12) starts at 9:45am. 

Join us any Sunday as we focus on worshiping and listening to God as He speaks to us through His Holy Word!

Events and Coming Attractions:

Living Stones Service Project Sunday, January 26th

Youth Day Retreat Saturday, March 29th

For questions, please contact Andy via email: andy@peterscreekchurch.org or at (412) 980-9463.

Children’s Ministry

Sunday School at 9:45 am

Our Sunday school curriculum for 2024/2025 is called DWELL and is published by Faith Alive. DWELL invites children to live into God’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. It encourages children to live out God’s story every day as they respond to God’s call. Each DWELL session provides fun, interactive ways for children to learn and explore as together they find their place in God’s Big Story. Preschool children will be using Faith Alive’s “God Loves Me” curriculum this year.

Events & Coming Attractions

Winter Story Time at Lindenwood Golf Club on Saturday, February 8th from 10:00 am - 1:30 pm. Register at: www.peterscreekchurch.org


Sunday, February 23rd After the worship service

Session has called for an annual congregational meeting of the Congregation and the Corporation immediately following the worship service on Sunday, February 23, 2025, for the purpose of the presentation of our 2025 budget and hearing reports from our Ministry Teams. Light lunch provided.

Men’s Fellowship


Faith, Food & Fellowship

Every third Saturday of the month.

Eat N Park on Washington Rd McMurray

crosstitchers prayer shawl ministry

The Crosstichers Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 1:30pm - 3:30pm in Hinman Hall for a time of fellowship and crafting. Bring your own project or work on a group project. During the holidays, we will meet on November 21st and December 2nd which will finish out our year.

Do you knit, crochet, needlepoint, sew, or do counted crosstitch? Think you're not crafty? If you can tie a knot, you can make a no-sew fleece blanket! Join us for a time of crafting and fellowship, and bless others with your hand made gifts of Love .

For more information, contact Susan Prosser