march Mission of the Month: LIVING STONES
A charitable organization that has been serving hot, sit-down meals to those in need since 2012. These meals are free thanks to businesses and institutions that donate leftover food that would otherwise be thrown out. Today, Living Stones has some 180 volunteers who serve an average of 80 people a meal four Sundays a month in South Hills churches.
In addition to serving meals, there are opportunities for fellowship. Over time relationships have developed and the awareness that many have other unmet needs such as difficulty accessing the healthcare system, housing issues, clothing needs, loneliness and spiritual needs. In response, a clothing closet was created at the Dormont location. A Community Health Worker was hired to assist with health-related and other issues. “Minglers” sit down with neighbors to identify prayer requests and deeper needs. They offer Bibles when available and share the gospel as opportunities arise. While every dinner begins with a meal, our vision is that our neighbors will move from the Living Stones table to the Communion table.
The Mission Team is asking the congregation to purchase new spring/summer pajamas for distribution to neighbors in April or, if you prefer, make a monetary donation and we will buy them. The pajamas should be for adults, as very few children attend. The greatest need is for Large, XL, 2X and 3X for men and Medium, Large, XL and 2X for women. Please place any pajamas you purchase on the Mission Team table in the narthex.
Thank you for your willingness to partner with Living Stones.
Mission Team