welcome to Pcepc

Peters Creek Evangelical Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).

Worship services are 11:00am every Sunday morning at: 

250 Brookwood Road

Venetia, PA 15367

Please see below to find out what's happening at PCEPC! You can also Subscribe to our Calendar!

We look forward to meeting you in person!

Mission Statement

Saved by grace alone, through Christ alone, 
we love God, love others, and share the Gospel!

sunday worship

Message Title: ‘TBD

Sermon Text: TBD

With Reverend Doug Brandt

March 30, 2025
At 11:00 am

If you're unable to attend the service in person, we provide livestreams of our worship services. Accessible through the 'Livestreams' link aboveand YouTube.

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Biblical Giving

Access the Wednesday Night Lent Bible Study, with Rev. Doug Brandt. Click below to enter the study page for the Biblical Giving series. 

This page contains MP3 recordings and PDF study guides covering biblical principles on stewardship, generosity, and financial wisdom.

Click HERE and enter the password to access the materials.


The Brush Run Cemetery Committee is asking for volunteers to help with their annual cemetery cleanup scheduled for Saturday, April 5th at 9:00 am The rain date will be Saturday, April 12th.  Bring gloves and come help remove debris left from winter, including branches, sticks and Christmas decorations.   Let's keep Brush Run Cemetery looking it's best!

march Mission of the Month: LIVING STONES

A charitable organization that has been serving hot, sit-down meals to those in need since 2012. These meals are free thanks to businesses and institutions that donate leftover food that would otherwise be thrown out. Today, Living Stones has some 180 volunteers who serve an average of 80 people a meal four Sundays a month in South Hills churches.

In addition to serving meals, there are opportunities for fellowship. Over time relationships have developed and the awareness that many have other unmet needs such as difficulty accessing the healthcare system, housing issues, clothing needs, loneliness and spiritual needs. In response, a clothing closet was created at the Dormont location. A Community Health Worker was hired to assist with health-related and other issues. “Minglers” sit down with neighbors to identify prayer requests and deeper needs. They offer Bibles when available and share the gospel as opportunities arise.  While every dinner begins with a meal, our vision is that our neighbors will move from the Living Stones table to the Communion table.

The Mission Team is asking the congregation to purchase new spring/summer pajamas for distribution to neighbors in April or, if you prefer, make a monetary donation and we will buy them. The pajamas should be for adults, as very few children attend. The greatest need is for Large, XL, 2X and 3X for men and Medium, Large, XL and 2X for women. Please place any pajamas you purchase on the Mission Team table in the narthex.

Thank you for your willingness to partner with Living Stones.

Mission Team

Men’s Fellowship


Faith, Food & Fellowship

Our April monthly Men’s Breakfast date to be announced and will be held at 9:00 am at Eat ’n Park on Washington Road in McMurray.

If you plan to attend, please contact Carl Maronde at cnmaronde@comcast.net or 724-678-4017.

Thursday Morning

Women’s Bible Study

We begin a new study on March 6th. The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books by Nancy Guthrie explores Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon revealing Jesus as the fulfillment of Scripture. Come join us and grow in faith, wisdom, friendship and pray for one another to join this small group.

We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 10:00 am -12:00 pm in Hinman Hall.

For more information, contact Mary Wolling (mary.wolling@gmail.com) or Susan Prosser (esprosser@verizon.net).

Thursday Night

Women’s Bible Study

Meets Every Thursday

Time: 6:30 pm

The Women’s Thursday Night Bible Study will be starting a study on The Gospel of John.

Slow down and savor the peace of Jesus in a chaotic world. In the study through the Gospel of John, Melissa Spoelstra encourages you to linger with the Living Word. John's Gospel will challenge participants to take the posture of peace - which is a stillness of the soul no matter what one's circumstances are. Grow in intimacy with Christ and learn to embrace His peace in the midst of a hectic life.

Contact Barb Mullen If you would like to participate in this study. 

mullenbj388@gmail.com, 412-298-5558

Children’s Ministry

Sunday School at 9:45 am

Our Sunday school curriculum for 2024/2025 is called DWELL and is published by Faith Alive. DWELL invites children to live into God’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. It encourages children to live out God’s story every day as they respond to God’s call. Each DWELL session provides fun, interactive ways for children to learn and explore as together they find their place in God’s Big Story. Preschool children will be using Faith Alive’s “God Loves Me” curriculum this year.

Please visit our Children's Page for updates on our Children's Wednesday afternoon programs.


Our mission for the Youth Ministry of our church is:

To ENGAGE our youth in a relationship with God; To EQUIP them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ; and to SHARE God’s love!

Sunday School (grades 6-12) starts at 9:45am. 

Join us any Sunday as we focus on worshiping and listening to God as He speaks to us through His Holy Word!

Please visit our Youth Page to find out more about our youth involvement in our communities.

Events and Coming Attractions:

Youth Day Retreat Saturday, March 29th

For questions, please contact Andy via email: andy@peterscreekchurch.org or at (412) 980-9463.

crosstitchers prayer shawl ministry

The Crosstichers Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 1:30pm - 3:30pm in Hinman Hall for a time of fellowship and crafting. Bring your own project or work on a group project. 

Do you knit, crochet, needlepoint, sew, or do counted crosstitch? Think you're not crafty? If you can tie a knot, you can make a no-sew fleece blanket! Join us for a time of crafting and fellowship and bless others with your hand made gifts of Love.

For more information, contact Susan Prosser